Finalmente in pista
Come vi avevo già accennato qui, Tiffany ( Sm Ent. ) sta vivendo un periodo che l’ha vista molto impegnata con il suo debutto da solista.
Ieri, finalmente, è stato rilasciato l’MV del brano “I Just Wanna Dance”, un video dal gusto vintage e retrò, ma carismatico.
La Track list completa del mini album comprende 6 tracce più una opzionale, eccole di seguito nel dettaglio.
Track List:
01. I Just Wanna Dance ( Title Track )
02. TALK
03. FOOL
04. What Do I Do
05. Yellow Light
06. Once in a Lifetime
07. What Do I Do ( English Version) [ iTunes Only ]
Durante l’ultimo Showcase, live su V Channel ( 10 maggio ), a cui ha partecipato per pubblicizzare il suo mini album, Tiffany si è soffermata sulla sua compagna nelle Girls’ Generation, che si è fatta spazio nel mondo dei solisti con forte successo, Taeyeon.
Alla ragazza è stato chiesto se si sentisse intimidita dal successo della compagna, la sua risposta:
“I learnd a lot by watching Taeyeon prepare her solo album. She gave me a lot of advice when I was preparing mine. She’s a big help, and also my best friend of 12 years.”
“Unlike Taeyeon, I prepared dance performances. I am a bit overwhelmed [as a solo artist], but I am here because I want to present good music.”
Durante lo stesso episodio si è parlato anche di un altro membro delle SNSD, Sooyoung.
“Sooyoung was one of the top two people who got to witness the making of my album up close and personal. I think Taeyeon and Sooyoung were the ones who had the most direct hand in the album-making process.”
Afferma Tiffany mentre risponde ad una chiamata telefonica dell’amica che, a sua volta, ci racconta di Tiffany:
“Tiffany is great at viewing herself objectively. To me, the most important thing about being a celebrity is knowing just where you are and judging whether you can take on a project when you have the confidence [for it]. When we Girls’ Generation members are amongst ourselves, it’s easy to become the big fish in a small pond. Tiffany was not swayed by distractions and made a debut when she knew that she would do well.”
“I was very surprised at how Tiffany prepared [for her solo debut]. Tiffany is someone who looks at the entire forest. She typically takes a look at many things but I was proud of her for only setting her eyes on music. It was great seeing that she was more focused on the music rather than her clothes or the MV.”
Lo stesso giorno, Sooyoung carica una foto sul suo Instagram Account che ritrae lei e Tiffany assieme con la descrizione:
“Today I am reminded of the first time I first saw an American friend. Time surely flies. Always a confident and positive friend but one who is so cute in how extremely nervous she is about her first solo album despite the fact that its been 10 years since her debut. I ask for lots of support.”

Ma ora soffermiamoci un pò sulle track presenti all’interno dell’album.
Durante lo stesso Showcase del 10 Maggio Tiffany si è lasciata andare raccontando dei suoi lunghi tentativi nel mondo della composizione, nonché nella spiegazione di alcune delle sue tracce.
Riferendosi al brano “FOOL” afferma che:
“The staff and I decided on a rule that we had to like the song within 3 seconds. ‘Fool’ is a modern, dreamy song that’s good for an evening drive. However, the production for it took the longest.”
Per quanto riguarda invece il brano “What Do I Do”:
“I’ve tried composing and writing lyrics consistently since 2014. My agency is very tough on lyrics and music, and I was accepted after going through that system. I sent 6 songs over, and only 1 was accepted. We also received a lot of lyrics from multiple writers, but I found out it was Sooyoung’s work. That’s why it’s more meaningful. Sooyoung directed me personally when we recorded. I’d like it if there were a lot of songs that I worked on with my members.”
Cambiamo tema.
Durante un altro Showcase, sempre datato 10 maggio, svoltosi all’SMTOWN Coex Atrium di Seoul, a Tiffany è stata posta una domanda sulla sua ex compagna nelle SNSD, Jessica.
L’ex membro infatti sta promuovendo il proprio solo album ( prima attività canora da quando ha abbandonato il gruppo ) nello stesso periodo di TIffany.
“Being onstage requires so much effort and hard work. As a fellow singer, I hope all singers will do well. I want to tell everyone that they’ve worked hard.”
Da oggi iniziano le varie performance nei music show per la promozione del mini album.